2024 Grant Awards Support Student Access to Books and Digital Access to Legal Information
At their May 2024 meeting, the Board of the Library Foundation of Washington County awarded grants in the amount of $9500 to Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) and $6500 to the Washington County Law Library.
The grant to WCCLS will support the Student Library Card program through which WCCLS partners with local libraries and school districts to provide school-age students with a library card. The program expands access to students who may not have previously been connected to a public library. Last fiscal year, WCCLS provided over 7,500 new SLCs through three school districts, Hillsboro, Beaverton, and Tigard-Tualatin; and we are onboarding a new partner with Sherwood Public Library and Sherwood School District this coming fiscal year. This program has been and continues to be successful, growing in numbers each year. LFWC Funds will be used to increase awareness through marketing and purchase of promotional materials for students. More information about the SLC can be found here: https://www.wccls.org/student.
The Washington County Law Library grant will fund the continuation of a LexisNexis Digital Library subscription for another year. The subscription provides digital access to a number of law library treatises through the same Overdrive platform used by the County public library system and is made available to the general public as well as attorneys. These materials would not otherwise be available outside of the Law Library. The subscription was previously funded by a Library Services and Technology Act grant through the State Library of Oregon. It has continued to be funded through grant awards. The database can be accessed here: https://www.washingtoncountyor.gov/law-library/lexisnexis-digital-library
The Library Foundation of Washington County funds grants such as these from donations and fund-raising. Please help us continue to support these programs with your donation today! https://lfwcoregon.org/donation-options/
2023 Grant Awards Support Summer Books for Kids and Digital Access to Legal Information
At their May 2023 meeting the Board of the Library Foundation of Washington County awarded grants in the amount of $6000 each to Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) and the Washington County Law Library.
The grant to WCCLS will support its annual Summer Book Distribution Program that provides free books to children and teens at 95 sites across the county. The program targets families in low income areas, families who are unable to visit libraries regularly due to transportation or other barriers, and families who speak any of the County’s Safe Harbor languages. The program, with support from a variety of partners, will distribute over 13,000 books in 8 languages this summer. WCCLS was the busiest library system in Oregon in fiscal year 2022, lending 10.98 library items (physical or digital) per county resident. Data was reported by the State Library of Oregon for the year ending June 30, 2022.
The Washington County Law Library grant will fund the continuation of a LexisNexis Digital Library subscription for one year. The subscription provides digital access to a number of law library titles through the same Overdrive platform used by the County public library system and is made available to non-attorneys as well as attorneys. The previous year (initial year of subscription) was funded by a one time State Library Grant and this request provides funding to continue the subscription service. The database can be accessed here:
PGE Foundation donated $10,000 to the Library Foundation of Washington County
May 1, 2024: PGE Foundation donated a generous gift of $10,000 to the Library Foundation of Washington County in recognition of their shared commitment to advancing literacy and supporting the mission of public libraries. LFWC received the donation at a ceremony held at West Slope Community Library. Read more about the donation at: PGE Foundation donates $10,000 to the LFWC

Library Foundation of Washington County Distributes Grants to Support Youth Summer Reading programs and Recognize the Growing Diversity of Washington County – July 5, 2022
The Library Foundation of Washington County (LFWC) recently awarded grants to the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) and the Washington County Law Library to support their efforts.
WCCLS will receive $5000 to support the purchase of books for distribution to children and teens at free Summer Food Service Program sites and other community partner venues throughout Washington County. The funds will augment financial support from WCCLS, its member libraries, and library Friends groups to give physical books to families with access or economic barriers and who are often underrepresented. The target populations are: children and teens living more than 5 miles from a population center and without access to public transportation, those participating in school-based summer programs, BIPOC families, immigrants and refugee families, migrant communities, LGBTQ families, and families experiencing food and/or housing insecurity.
The Washington County Law Library will receive $5000 to update the display of Washington County Judges’ photos and add other visually appealing artwork to the Law Library to increase the diversity of artists represented and make the Law Library a more inclusive and welcoming space. The current display has only five judges depicted, all white men. There are 46 current and former judges, and the group is
increasingly diverse. The display should reflect that. In addition, the Law Library would like to update the visual aesthetic of the space by adding rotating displays from local artists.
In May 2021, LFWC awarded grants for $2500 to each organization for use in 2021-2022.
The Washington County Law Library used the funds to support the purchase of a microfilm reader-printer to allow library patrons to fully access legal materials in the Law Library. WCCLS, for a second year, used the funds to support purchase of books to be distributed to children and teens at free Summer Food Service Program sites and partner venues throughout the county.